After our prayer time at Green Sage we decided to show some practical love in the cold weather to the people we encounter on the streets. Sharing Christ and sharing a hot cup of coffee - great combination.
While passing out the hot drinks we encountered different types of grounds. Some of them were fertile and filled with the love of Christ, happy to share that God dwell
s deep within their hearts. Some of them were hard, not ready for sowing. Some of them were rocky and thorny - they are not grounded with their faith, but as the hot drinks warmed their bodies, so can some encouragement fan the tiny flames in their hearts for God.
If we are open and dial into God, we will recognize the opportunities in our daily lives when our uncompromised love for Jesus can help wavering believers to gain some encouragement in their walk with Christ. Making disciples very much includes making an effect on those who are spiritually less mature than us and are not necessarily unbelievers.
The Lord affirmed us and our work on the streets through a gentle soul who spends a lot of time in the heart of the city and have daily encounter with the folks there. She told us how the Lord uses our ministry to change people's lives there. Some of them started to bear very good fruits. They have become much more gentle and less argumentive. The Spirit of God have been growing the seeds we planted into their hearts over the weeks.
After rejoicing in her words, we asked her if we could pray for her and she gladly said yes. She felt very loved by God and by us as she experienced the Spirit's gentle presence and received some encouragement from the Lord.
I've heard stories similar to hers many times - she used to be a strong Christian, but the sprouting faith got choked by different things of the world and she's been feeling distant and disconnected from the Body of Christ and from God Himself. Thankfully God always welcomes us back to the Father's house, if we are willing to go.
Romans 8: 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We hope and pray that she continues to surrender to the love of God and His great plans for her.
Join us next time to experience what God is doing in the city on the 18th of November at 8:30 AM at Green Sage!
Here is a great resource on how to share your faith by Time to Revive.
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